28 oct. 2007

News from Portishead

I am still alive! I will try to sum-up the past 2 weeks.
Well, we lost THE game, everybody knows, nothing to add... Ben was there, we watched it French flags painted on our cheeks! After this shutout, we just chilled out on the Sunday, went for a walk along the marina. That is really nice to be so close to the sea!

Last weekend, we went to Weston-super-Mare! I wanted to see the donkeys on the beach, but no luck... There was the "Weston Beach Race" – the largest off road motorcycle event in the UK. Ben was happy! And I found stickers of Patrick (best friend of Sponge Bob) in the Aquarium! They are now on my window!

Yesterday night, I met my colleagues in the centre of Bristol. That was a great night out going from pub to pub... ;)

At work, everything is fine, I really enjoy myself. We have a great team: 2 German girls, 1 Bristish and me! Next week, 3 more guys are joining our team: a Brazilian, a Polish and a Bristish. Let's see how it goes...

10 oct. 2007

I will support France as never before!!!!!

Hi everybody, especially French people!
Just this little message to support the French rugby team! I will see the game on Saturday with English people! Ben will be there, at least we will be 2 people to support the best team!
For the occasion, i bought a wonderful face painting kit! I will paint the French flag on my cheeks on Saturday and will display them all day long in the centre of Bristol (I will probably be dead by the end of the day!). And i plan to paint my face on Friday as well as my colleagues will wear their English shirt! Here is a picture of what i will look like.


6 oct. 2007

France vs England!!!

Hey! hey! hey!Vive la France!! Allez les Bleus! Allons enfants de la Patriiiiiiiiiieee!!!!
I can't wait for this semi-finale: France vs England! Madness!
Bravo les Bleus! Look at this try: France vs New-Zealand

First week

I've been there already for one week. Time goes quickly. After a boring day in Birmingham, i began my new job on Tuesday. And, until now, it's been really interesting. It's just the beginning, i am learning, but it promises to be a real good job!
In the album below, you'll see pictures of my trip by ferry with Ben. A nightmare, i could not sleep, i was sick...
+ pictures of the flat and the area, with my car parked in front of the flat. Yes, for those who do not know, i came with my car, and am now driving on the wrong side of the road! ;)